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miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Fancy a car-crash picture for all your image queries on Google?

Another day, another internet cock-up.

On Tuesday, users searching for any pictures on Google Images - kittens, puppies, flowers, food or even Google's own logo - were flooded with the same picture of a Russian car accident in the results page.
The worrying image was not an isolated incident, with users from Germany, Brazil, Canada all taking to Twitter and Google's own user forums to question whether its servers were hacked. While it did not affect all users, some users were repeatedly treated to the car crash image literally for all their queries on different browsers even when they had cleared their cache.
google test.jpg
"Looks like Google Images got hacked by someone in Russia(?) First few rows appears as normal after that it shows this [Image of the car crash]," said a user on Twitter.
The search giant has not yet commented on whether Google Images has been hacked or if it's a search bug or an error from one of its new interns.
Downtime senses nothing new here as Facebook clearly is hacked by the ALS Ice Bucket challenge and Twitter by #Emmys or even #GoogleImageshacked by now. Ho-hum.

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